FIRST DEGREE takes viewers inside the maximum security Sing Sing Prison and introduces them to a cast of unforgettable inmates. One memorable prisoner is Jermaine Archer, whose reputation changed from being a feared gang leader to being a role model for students attending college at Sing Sing. Another is Clarence Maclin, who got his college degree shortly before he was paroled and participates in a reentry program that helps him acquire work-appropriate clothing, write a resume, and find a job. Perhaps the most remarkable character is Sean Pica, who served 16 years for murder, but unlike most paroled inmates who reoffended and quickly returned to prison, Sean came back to run Sing Sing’s college program. Nationwide, over half of released inmates return to prison within 5 years, but for the past 14 years, less than 1% of the inmates that received a college degree at Sing Sing returned to prison.
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FIRST DEGREE played at thirteen film festivals across the country and won four top awards. Thanks to several generous foundation grants, we are able to make the film available at no cost to organizations involved in prison education and criminal justice reform as well as groups focused on re-entry, probation, diversion, and delinquency prevention. Our goal is to enable these stakeholders to use FIRST DEGREE to spark discussion and action aimed at reducing recidivism and mass incarceration.
Produced and Directed by Roger Weisberg
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