A Matter of Life or Death
This extract from Who Lives, Who Dies focuses on the bioethical decisions in treating the terminally ill.
Does a patient have a right to say "If I'm going to die, I'd rather die right now?" Dr. David Finley, Director of Critical Care of New York's Roosevelt Hospital, believes the patient's wishes should be respected. He acknowledges, however, that it is difficult to prevent doctors who are dedicated to saving lives from taking heroic measures.
A Matter of Life or Death addresses difficult bioethical issues as they relate not only to the individual patient, but to society as a whole. It questions whether the money spent to prolong the dying process should be redirected to patients who are currently denied basic care.
Produced and Directed by Roger Weisberg

Public Policy Productions, Inc.
P.O. Box 650
Palisades, NY 10964
(845) 398-2119
Roger Weisberg, President
email Public Policy Productions