Our Children at Risk
The crisis of child proverty in America and the need to improve access to health care for the nation's disadvantaged children.
Our Children at Risk, a one hour national public television documentary narrated by Walter Cronkite, examines why millions of today's young children may fail to reach their full developmental potential and considers the positive steps the U.S. can take to address this crisis. The program features several families with young children who tell powerful stories of their inability to obtain basic medical care and food. The program also examines how the destructive forces of poverty impair healthy development. Child advocates and health experts comment on the broad national implications of these families' experiences and explore cost effective ways to ensure that all children get off to a healthy start.
Produced and Directed by Roger Weisberg
Public Policy Productions, Inc.
P.O. Box 650
Palisades, NY 10964
(845) 398-2119
Roger Weisberg, President
email Public Policy Productions